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A beautiful and dignified Memoriale memorial page

Check out the example memorial page

On the memorial page

Share your important memories on a beautiful and personalized memorial page


is easy and fast. You identify yourself securely and reliably with the service. Registration and use of the service is always free. You can choose the subscription you want for your use from the different subscription options. Paid subscriptions are clearly marked, and you will not be charged before placing your order.

Creating a memorial page is easy

Clear instructions will help you step by step to create a dignified memorial page for the memory of a deceased person. You can create a memorial page at your own pace. You don't have to do everything at once, but you can add content to the memorial page later. You can also add other administrators to the memorial page.
Administrators can moderate the page and manage and make changes and add and accept people invited to the memorial page.

You can add

pictures, text, and videos to the memorial page. The space is 200 megabytes, so you can upload hundreds of good quality images, for example. Everyone can add their own memories to the page with pictures and texts.

On the memorial page, you can also light a candle

in memory of the deceased. You can choose from several options of your liking. When you light a candle, you can silently honor the memory of the deceased. The lit memory candle will remain visible on the memory page and a public or private message can also be written in connection with it.

If you only want to create an obituary,

you can easily do so by following the clear instructions. The obituary can be distributed on social media, for example, or be sent to a newspaper for publication. You can also attach a memorial page to the obituary afterwards.


your loved ones to the memorial page to share memories of a deceased loved one. The memorial page can be made public, private or shared only with a limited group. The private memorial page can only be accessed at the invitation of the administrator. Registration for the service is free and you can browse the memorial pages free of charge. In the stream of memories, you can share memories of the past with a close circle and deal with the grief together. You can always return to the memorial page, regardless of time and place.

My will & wish

You can add your last will and testament to Memoriale. After your passing, the administrators you nominate will be informed of your wishes, which can be used, for example, to arrange the funeral and memorial service in the way you want.

Reminiscing together

The passing of a loved one, brings back emotions and memories. The deceased loved one can follow you through life in memories.